HubPages Marketing Mastery is the simple paint by numbers master plan that shows exactly how to build a HubPages empire that brings you boatloads of traffic every single day as well as silently pumping money into your account every month, completely on autopilot, from HubPages' ingenious revenue-sharing system.
This complete expose, with absolutely nothing held back, reveals every inside tip and dirty trick you must know to get to the very top of the HubPages tree, with excellent Google rankings, maximum traffic and sky-high commission from HubPages' own autopilot revenue sharing system.
So, whether you are:
Just starting out in internet marketing and are looking for a steady assured AdSense type autopilot income and are planning to need a reliable source of traffic, once you've built your first web site, and like the idea of your efforts being backed by a massive and long established PR6 web site.
OR You already enjoy some online success and want to add another reliable traffic stream to your business - plus like the idea of some Plan B autopilot advertising income from the folks who don't come directly to your site
This guide kicks off by introducing HubPages and explaining the great advantages it offers and how they have been largely overlooked recently in the rush to explore ever-newer social media sites. It goes on to point out that this early web 2.0 site not only offers a brilliant extra source of good sustainable traffic, but also provides additional income streams for the shrewd webmaster, like you.
The guide has ten modules.
Module 1: How HubPages Work Hard For You
Module 2: What exactly is HubPages?
Module 3: The key benefits of HubPages
Module 4: Getting started with HubPages
Module 5: Creating your very first hub
Module 6: Making your hubs ultra attractive
Module 7: Hub pages and SEO
Module 8: Getting your hub pages noticed
Module 9: Building backlinks to your hubs
Module 10: Increasing your HubPages score
HubPages Marketing Mastery hands you a complete step by step tutorial for becoming a HubPages superstar in the shortest possible time. And - once you possess their insider shortcuts - I guarantee you'll be amazed just how quickly you'll be able to enjoy seeing both your autopilot advertising income and the traffic to your web sites and blogs start to flood in.